Disclaimer in Part 1 susieqla@yahoo.com Thrown Back - 16/18 2:30 A.M. It was quiet all of ten seconds after Byers and Frohike had vacated the room before either of them spoke. It was Margot who broke the silence when she felt Langly's casted arm come to rest over her right hip, his hand cupping her butt, and his lips nibbling intermittantly at her face. Margot's giggle was weightless, the way she was making him feel. He felt miles above the earth, soaring among the clouds. "Ah, you're not so shy now, mmm?" While Margot jiggled her hip beneath the weight of his arm, Langly replied with a draft of wispy breath, "I'm not a-as shy when I'm drunk." "Is that so..." Margot eagerly returned his kiss, stroking his tongue with hers, with his rolling over and playing dead. The delicate strokes, reviving his will to be a participant in life again; primarily hers. "Ye-yeah," he stammered, partially still in her mouth, gulping for air. He waited until he could organize a thought before saying more. "I-I'm gigabuzzed, but I'm happy now. I've been dead inside, takin' the long w-way ho-home every day, 'cos-'cos I th-thought you was. Dead, I mean." "Where'd you get that idea?" Her right arm slithered along his back, its hand kneading his body, careful not to aggravate whatever was sore. "I wa-wasn't drunk when I wa-watched 'Nairn' rip you away t-to be with h-her. Ho-honest." "Tell me what happened. All of it, from the time after Gustin handed me over to the aliens." Langly sank his fingers into her backside not realizing how hard he had, and how much it hurt. Her buttock's right cheek went numb. "He-he. He handed you over to the greys, a-at least I thought h-he did... He told me he had. Then, ne-next thing I know, you're by the ca-car, goin' for the la-laptop until...till 'Nairn' 'evapped' ya to be wi-with her..." Wriggling out of his death grip, Margot said, "I don't understand..." "You th-think *I* do..." "Hasn't Esther been in touch?" His 'no' was muffled, but she persisted, "What about you, love? Didn't you try to reach her via my laptop?" Langly stayed silent, and when she pressed him again, his answer was the same. "No. I, I couldn't fa-face her--hell, *you* bein' wi-with her in the ether. I woulda gone o-over the edge freaked, no comin' back. Girl, I almost di-did, killin' the life outta my brain with hooch tryin' ta numb my pain." "Oh, darling...what you've been through." After she left off burying his face with a dusting of kisses, with Langly letting his soul be absorded by hers, her remark was thoughtful. "The *greys*." It seemed weird that her other-worldly captors had a designation, and the one man who didn't want to dominate her knew it. "I couldn't tell what color they were, I only know that I could talk to them, and they could talk to me without actually having to verbalize. It was as though they spoke to my mind, collectively, and I to theirs." Her fingers slipped into his hair at his nape. "I wasn't exactly terrified, but I wasn't keen on being with them for any great lengths. It was all so strange." If she only knew how strange it could get, he mulled, reveling in the flow of her voice. "They threw me back, as it were, and quickly, which I'm grateful for. I wonder if their calculation of time is roughly concurrent with ours?" They'd held onto Scully a whole lot longer, like it had been an eterity. Langly began examining the back of Margot's neck with rough-moving, probing fingers until she told him to stop. The skin felt normal, but he'd feel better about her being 'chip clean' if he could get a better look under one of their high-intensity lamps. "What's wrong?" "No-noth-nothing..." "Nothing? It felt as though you were looking for something." He hoped there was nothing to find, but he wouldn't tell her anything until he knew for a certainty himself. Tomorrow, before she woke up, he'd pass the wand of one of their metal detectors over her, and keep his fingers crossed. "Richard, for pity's sake, what aren't you telling me?" Man, she's sharp.... Langly eased his hand back to her behind, and peppered its right cheek with some gentle three-fingered pinches. "You feel so good to ho-hold again," he hedged. "I thought I'd lost ya be-before we ev..." He wasn't sure if he had enough wits to say the rest, but he forced enough courage from some cerebral bank whose brain cells weren't completely pixilated. "I... I love ya to-too, Margie. Th-that's what I was tryin' to tell ya over the phone before Max broke all over your ass..." She made him make some space for her top leg which she wedged between his long limbs. An invisible beaded string of sweat popped up on his forehead, and when she crawled into him deeper, he could feel his heart's explosive pounds swell within his ear. "Then what are we going to do about this impetuous, heady love of ours?" "Wha-wha'da *y-you* want u-us..." 'Us.' That had a comforting ring to it. "To do about it?" Somehow, it felt safer letting her set the overall tone and pace. With his minor league experience with women the chance of his striking out was real. Margot kissed the prominence that was his nose, silhouetted like a cut-out against the dark made seeable by the meager amount of streetlight trickling in through the one grimy window above their heads. "Wait until you aren't so, well, shall we say, out of commission, before we drink our fill of each other?" "Ne-nev. Never gonna happen." He got a kick out of the way she protested, hearing her get so worked up, but he reined her in before she got too upset. "I'll ne-never g-get enough of y-you, Margie-babe. We got chemistry." Following his deep-throated chuckle, Langly told her in so many words that for his first time with the first woman he was in love with, he didn't want to be half-crocked, his senses dulled like a knife that had never seen a whetting stone, and he, practically a parapelegic. While he told her this, he thought that it would probably be true that he wouldn't know what he was doing, but at least she'd be getting a very able-bodied man. Not some lump she'd have to work her tail off into positions, or be careful with because his body was one productive pain factory. "Level with me, babe, okay?" "With you, that's not a problem. You inspire the tenor of leveling that leaves no stone unturned." He snickered into her shoulder, and she jabbed his nose into it more. "You're really one of those closet poetry-readin' coffehouse chicks who scuba dives for kicks, I'm right, huh?" She laughed, a laugh brimming gusto and warmth. "What makes you ask?" she parried, liking the way his legs had wound around hers, as though they were the crushers of a nutcracker. Was she going to give him the full treatment once he was fit enough to handle her brand of it. "You sound like a poet," Langly said with unabashed admiration. He wasn't big on poetry, but it exhilerated him the way she expressed herself, like she'd invented the English language, really knew how to use it the way it was meant to be used. She breathed life and vigor into the stale and trite, into him. "What's wrong with being both?" "Nothin'. Sounds good on you." "Ah, the sea...inspires me. The sea, and my talent for talking too much." Langly said that wasn't true, even though it was, sometimes. "Dear Uncle 'Pert says I've the soul of a poet. Is that acceptable?" "Like I said, I gotta meet this uncle of yours sometime." The man who'd had such a huge influence in her life, had the boy-man's curiosity going; what the gentleman looked like, the sound of his voice, his sense of humor most of all. Were there any similarities between him and Frohike? Langly figured maybe he'd have to do some 'cyberlytic' digging first. "He'd love meeting you, I dare say." She already knew they'd hit it off. "I can get behind that." Suggestively, Margot said, "Yes, that works both ways. Once you're strong enough." Langly's stomach skydived. "I'm ve-very strong." He hugged her hard again, the bulge in the front of his jeans was against her thigh, and she crowded into his chest, claiming ownership, his overwhelming approval glowing its brightest. "Just un-untried..." She rocked against him a little, and Langly rocked her more vigorously. "Not for long..." Then, Margot told him she never wanted to be without him, and he drank that in. Sullying vestiges of the ugliness and emptiness his depression had deposited in him, were purged. Langly told her to put her hand over his heart, which she obediently did. Her palm wanted to gather the fiercely beating organ to itself, as it closed over the spot under which it beat. "You own that," he said adamantly, the netting of booze-fog no longer interfering with clearer thinking, "you go, I'll follow, 'cos it'd be out-an-out suicide livin' without my heart." "Poet," she accused. Langly counted off 'three' in his head. She didn't waste time beating around bushes. "I know the feeling, love" she whispered letting that, and her desire for him, tempered by his fragility, quiver in the gathered stillness of the early, Indian summer morning whose sun had a way to go yet before rising. "So...you didn't come back just for your stuff, huh?" "You're my new stuff." He 'ouched' loudly after her covert pinch to his neck. "I've fallen in love with the cheekiest man in the world." He rubbed the least sore facial cheek against hers. "After you meet Mulder, you'll know why I'm a-uh, left in the dust runner-up." ||oo|| Margot awoke with a jolting start, jangled awake without warning, the tentacles of the harrowing dream's pleasure and pain, long forgotten. Langly's face was whiter than a bleached cumulus cloud, standing over her as he was with a noisy, odd looking contraption strapped to his bean polish body. The noise was the culprit. "And what do you think you're doing?" Fitfully awake, she sat up on the tossed salad of a bed. He gripped the long-nosed hosey-looking 'thing' in his hands tighter, finding it hard to look her in the eyes. "Well?" A look of half-mast vagary cast a tall shadow over her yawning face. "Is this your idea of kinky?" He glided the slender appendage with, what looked to her to have, a platypus' tail attached at its end, over her, to and fro as though she hadn't caught him in the act of detecting. The clicking sounds had him agitated, and the words gushed through his mouth. "Ar-are you wearin' anything metal?" She had to think. Slowly then, "My studs... Why?" "Your say whats?" His eyebrows flew up above his glasses after she'd batted the lengthy wand out of her frowning face. Man, she looks pissed, Langly thought, but continued to run it over her. "RICHard, love, I'm *not* amused. What's the meaning of this? You look as though you've seen a ghost." She began undoing the gold-plated mounts from their posts as her eyes bored holes through his lenses. The tight knot, with fear as its pit, tightened in his stomach, as his face went a lighter shade of pale. "See...here they are." She held out the jewelry for him to inspect. He passed the segmented arm over her earrings, and then her again. Over the earrings the detector clicked like crazy. Over her, not a sound. Langly's color improved the several times more he ran his spot check. His breathing lost the force of its ragged intake. "Mind telling me what's this all about?" Tests over. He undid the easy-release strap, and the outlandish machine fell away. He stepped out of the harness which seemed as though it was made of burlap, and placed the device atop the folding chair which already had enough of his stuff falling off of it. He gave her a twitchy smile, wondering what cock-and-bull he was going to lay on her. "You won't like me fractious, Richard, so you'd better start explaining and fast. What were you doing?" "I--I." Langly looked like a deer retreating from being caught in headlights. "I hadta, uh. I hadta make sure you were...clean." Clean? That sounded way lame, he fretted. "Clean?" she echoed his grasping at straws. Her stare started paring skin. "And what's that?" She pointed at the metal detector. "A dirt magnet?" She gave her armpits brief sniffs. "I've reeked worse, believe me. Try going without a freshwater shower for a week on the open seas." "Not that kind of clean." "Then, what kind?" The look she was giving sent chilly ripples through him. "Clean from...uh..." Think fast, he goaded himself, before she's hip to the clue that the greys helped her see the light, and she realizes you're not worth the time of day, loser. "Fr-from, uh bugs." "Bugs?" "Alien bugs." It wasn't wholly a lie. The chip they'd embedded in Scully wasn't a far cry from a real McCoy. "Alien bugs," she repeated distastefully, as though they'd given her the plague. "A listening device." "Oh..." Well that was certainly better than some nasty creepy-crawlies. "They could've planted one on ya, ya know. To learn our secrets, maybe. I wanted to make sure, and I didn't wanna alarm you unnecessarily." Langly worked her with those shameless 'kicked puppy dog' eyes. "You mad at me?" "Of course I'm not mad at you, silly goose." She opened her arms to him, and he flung him- self onto the bed, gobbling her up in his arms, the casted one no slouch, and made geese honking noises in both ears, swooping in from both sides. "Just, uh. You're balmy--behave yourself." He went motionless with a straight face, as though he really had a true beak. "Well, I must say you caught me off guard." Pondering what he'd just said, she speculated, "Would aliens have such things too?" "Why not?" He stopped nipping her knuckles. "Who says humans got the patent on snoopy?" "Guess not, when you put it that way. Hmmm. Maybe our body snatchers are so advanced, they wouldn't need something tangible in place, perhaps all they need do is expand their bloody minds, and know what we're thinking over vast distances." For an instant then, she imagined what it would feel like expanding one's mind over vast distances. Langly abruptly stopped strolling the fingers of his right hand around in her dark, unruly mane. Not just a gorgeous body, he thought, as his lips kissed where he'd had his fingers. "God, I never thought about something so light years advanced like that." Although, he'd speculated about a lot of fanciful things about the EBEs whenever Mulder had gotten done filling the Gunmen's heads with his wacky ideas, over the years. "You sure you don't dig sci-fi?" Well he sure dug her improbable looks. "How's your head, dear?" she asked, looking up into his eyes which mirrored her face, regarding him with a look of concern, and massaged his partially-discolored cheek with the palm of her hand. "My head's the only part of me that ain't sore. Your strawberry brew did the trick with the hangover." His mouth wormed itself into the palm, and he kissed it several times. "You give massages too?" "Aren't you glad you asked?" She floated over the bed, and around him so his back was to her, sitting on the backs of her legs, and gently, she started in gently on his neck. "You tell me once I'm done." "You're aces," he murmured, allowing her to push his head forward with her hand on top of his head, and lolly-rolling it from side to side. "I have been known to deal a mean deck of cards." Her deceptively delicate-looking fingers dug into the knotted muscles in his neck, and he sighed appreciatively, telling her how great she was, again and again. "I think you should take it easy today, love. Sleep in the entire twenty-four hour stretch. Your improved physical condition will thank you for doing so." "Only if you stay in bed with me all day too." "Who'll fix you something to eat, and bring it in to you?" "Frohike," was Langly's dogmatic, cocksure response. "I suppose he's never told you, you take unfair advantage of situations." Langly slowly peeked around to the right, and although he was loath to have her leave off from the revitalizing ministrations, holding her against him felt real good too. "Who, me?" He eased her down to the bed, between the rumpled pillows, and pressed his advantage, kissing her with a momentum that was building, she adding fuel to the fire. Nervously, his healthy hand explored where she encouraged it to go, he a Christopher Columbus discovering the bountiful 'new world' of the feminine form. He gained more confidence with her every wispy sigh, and murmurs of loving approval. "You're so beautiful," he seeded into her scalp, "I so wanna take care of you, like you should be." "And I, you. I simply adore you." She invited his tongue in again. Her lingering fingers paused over the excessively long, thin trail of irregular, hypopigmented skin on the underside of his right forearm. Breaking off from his buttery smooth lips, she whispered, "Is this a scar, Lambkins?" Langly wavered in his worship of Margot's equally soft lips. She held his arm firmly, and his eyes joined hers to glance down at his marred flesh. The hairline, yet raised enough to be felt, some- what jagged scar, the hunting knife had left as a stark reminder, was whiter than the white skin surrounding it. "Love?" He closed his eyes, reliving all the bad times in a moment of crippling thought. "Who did this to you? Your father?" The bad, bad times not even Frohike nor Byers knew anything about. The numerous failed suicide attempts when he was barely out of his mid-teens, his fancy-free drug experimentation had been a cover-up for a desperate soul screaming to be heard, helped, rescued from the clutches of a man who, when the lye hit the filth, hated himself, and had taken it out time and again on the family he'd systematically demoralized. Langly nodded against the refuge of her bosom as tears he hated shedding strained to find their release once more. She leaned into him, kissing them away as they streamed. "He came after me one night when I got in real late from studying at a friend's house. He just knew I was out terrorizing the countryside, and was gonna teach me a lesson I'd never forget. When he discovered he didn't have his belt, he said he was gonna take it outta my hide another way." This latest revelation was cathartic for them both. "I meant no harm, my asking," she said with a voice small, conciliatory, meant to bind up the wounds to his maligned psyche, knowing only that they understood each other, and there- by, with caring combined, they were infinitely stronger, rivaling wrought iron. "I was raped when I was ten..." "What the fu--" "It when on for a year before I went to live with second cousins on my father's side." Seething, Langly shook, his fist grappled her hand like a bear trap, he feeling rage that made him dizzy; a rage that had poison as its purifier. "Who the hell did that shit to you?" He wrapped her up in his arms protectively when he saw the self-loathing in her eyes. "A man I trusted every bit as much as I trusted his brother. A man who was sick and warped in so many ways." Her voice shook when she uttered, "'Pertie's brother Ian...the wicked sot." Clinging to Langly's arm, she said as though the dreaded-departed one was in the room, "When he died a year ago in a hospital outside London, I rejoiced." ||oo|| End Part 16