TITLE: Prelude to One Lonely Night Author: Sue (susieqla@yahoo.com) Category: LGM Short Fic Rating: PG Summary: Too many beers. Archive: Fine. Note: (More Or Less) 155 Words Scullyfic Challenge - Badfic Prelude To One Lonely Night - Sue "How much you wanna bet?" Langly sneered, all punk-ass 100-proof sure of himself. "The tape *you* like so much," geek-wonder," Mulder shot back. "It's yours, if I chicken. But I won't, boys, not *tonight*." "Hey, man, I got dibs too." Frohike leered at Byers. "I say she tells him to rub his between ice cubes. Hey, John, what part of this action do you want?" "Really!" Byers stalked out of the dimness, to his room, wanting no part of this immoral mudslide. "Mr. narc. . .always the spoilsport," Langly said, handing Mulder a link to the outside world. "One ringy-dingy. . ." Frohike chirped. "Two," Langly rejoined. "Three," Mulder mouthed, holding up three fingers, coupled with a quick wink. "Hey, Scully. . .it's me." Frohike and Langly stepped in closer for a better listen. "What are you wearing?" "No she didn't," Langly croaked in disbelief. "Clean out your ear, 'cos yes she *did*." Frohike's eyes turned glassy. "Nothin'. Not a stitch. Only bubbles." Mulder covered the mouthpiece, warning them to shut-the-hell up, with his eyes bugged-out, wanting her to repeat her last question. "Yeah, Scully, I'm lonely too. Me come over? There're plenty of bubbles left? Keep 'em warm. I'm on my way. . ." -- END --