JUGGERNAUT FADE IN INT. MAIN ENGINE ROOM-NIGHT Krycek, with Lislita painfully in tow, have reached the area of the engine room where there is a lack of personnel since the precisely- mechanized operations are governed by control systems three decks above. The air is close, it's dim, and a dank odor permeates everywhere, but the noise level is remarkably minimal; an almost dulcent humming blankets the surroundings. Abruptly, Krycek stops between the towering pitch stabilizer housing, and a small anteroom used for storing hoses. KRYCEK (holds her chin like a vise) The moment you've been waiting for. . . and I. LISLITA (defiantly, as she gathers her falling-apart costume about her) 'Bicho.' SUBTITLE Disgusting creep. KRYCEK I can be that too, if that's what turns you on. LISLITA 'Vaya al infierno!' SUBTITLE Go to hell. KRYCEK (gives a derisive laugh) We'll make that trip together. His insuperable fingers release her chin and dig into her shoulder, molding her against the gleamy brass of machine housing. LISLITA (mustering all of her strength) Find someone else to defile! She slaps his face, which startles him for a moment, but before she can flee, he flashes her the vial, and she freezes. KRYCEK (dangerously) Come here. She obeys, he crowds into her face again, and mauls her breasts this time. Before he can capture her plump lower lip with his teeth, she strikes a resounding blow for freedom, calling upon a move her father taught her if ever a date got fresh. Krycek recoils, as the shock of pains explodes between his legs. KRYCEK YOU BITCH! Taking advantage of his world of hurt, Lislita plucks the fallen vial up from the floor of the deck and escapes. TIGHT SHOT OF KRYCEK'S FACE. . .AND THE SHADOW FALLING UPON IT MULDER (O.S.) I figured you'd be down here with the rest of the rats. Camera brings him into the shot with his back away from audience. MULDER Can't seem to stop meeting in places like this. Marita bared her soul one rainy night she came to my apartment about what happened on a filthy steamer. Some impressions never fade, and now this-- with Scully's cousin. Krycek manages to sit up and prop himself up against the second auxillary wall, holding his throbbing crotch. KRYCEK How'd you know? MULDER (testily) Know what? KRYCEK About *this*? My being here. MULDER (close to the vest) Right place, right time; purely coincidence. It's our vacation, but you've made it business, turning up, conducting this experiment for the cowards who exist behind a smokescreen. Mulder grasps him to a stand, hearing Krycek's croaking gasp, and the Agent slams him into the wall. MULDER Before I kick the living crap out of you, I want the antidote. KRYCEK (smugly) Haven't got it. Mulder knees him in the groan again, and Krycek writhes in renewed agony. KRYCEK (gasping) *She's got it; the girl*. Quicker and tougher than I thought. Your knee's got nothing on hers. MULDER What's its composition? KRYCEK Damned if I know. You think I'm told everything? Works though, I'm the first test case. Krycek leans in tight to Mulder's face, his intent clear, gleaming in his eyes. In disgust, Mulder heaves Krycek's leaden body back down to the deck, and he stalks away. CAMERA FOLLOWS MULDER KRYCEK (O.S., sardonically) Ironic, isn't it, Mulder? The Agent doesn't slacken his pace as he nears the squat first bulkhead access, but we can still hear Krycek's raspy voice echo. KRYCEK (O.S.) The harder you try, the more you fall behind. So much easier if you joined, and be a winner for once. Mulder. . . they won't let you keep this up forever. Mulder raises his right arm high above his head with middle finger fully extended, and pointed in the direction of Krycek's faraway voice. CUT TO-INFIRMARY-WARD A Lislita arrives, heavily out of breath, clutching the little vial in her tight fist. LISLITA (sounding winded) I have it, 'Richillo'--I took what will make you. . .well. Langly appears unconscious. Just then Scully, who's been consulting again with Dr. Renaldeni, returns to the ward. Lislita, upon hearing her enter, turns to her with a look of relief. LISLITA Dana, here's the cure. (perplexedly) But, should he drink it, or smear what- ever's in this all over himself? 'Dios mio,' his rash looks very, very bad. Scully nods. SCULLY Where's Mulder? Did you see him? LISLITA No. I got away from that disgusting man, but not before I took this from him. She hands the vial to her cousin with a hopeful expression. LISLITA He said it can cure whatever this sick- ness is. SCULLY (contemplatively) Yes, I know, but I don't think it's a good idea taking that madman's word for it without an analysis. He could be lying. Mulder barrels into the ward, a mingling of relief and agitation stitched in his face. MULDER It was Krycek-- SCULLY You can't be serious. Krycek--here!! Mulder nods, looking as desperate as his stunned partner. MULDER Freak coincidence. I wouldn't bet he's lying. LANGLY (coming out of his drowsiness) Wha'. . .t-the hell? His eyes bug, and he snaps to alert- ness, seeing that his sweetheart's safe and sound, and from all indications, unscathed, although, her clothes that hang in shreds might suggest otherwise. LANGLY *Lisa*--how'd you. . .? LISLITA (breathlessly) I got away-- I took what he said will save you, 'mi amor.' (anxiously to Scully) You must save him. Please, Danita, you must. Looking sympathetic, Scully looks from her cousin to her partner, and in turn, Mulder gently rests his hand upon her shoulder. MULDER Analyze it first, Scully, so we know its makeup. SCULLY Good idea. And. . .wasting no time, Scully heads for Renaldeni's office. Regardless of how bad Langly's rash is, that fact doesn't impede Lislita from sitting beside him on the bed, and stroking his hand, while Mulder looks on in silence until. . . Scully, in what feels to be instantan- eously, returns, with Renaldeni tena- ciously on her heels. SCULLY You're never going to believe this, Mulder. MULDER Knowing me all these years, Scully, how can you say that? She gives him an 'I was a fool' roll of her expressive eyes. SCULLY This stuff checks out to be simple quinine water. LANGLY (barely audible) Quinine's the alkaloid isolated from South American cinchona bark, used to treat malaria. . .what the Syns gave us might be some wack, mutated form of the disease. *They* never run out of ideas for creating some mass crisis diversion, huh? RENALDENI That could explain the Planaria. . .as perhaps the microscopic agents used as the infection vehicle for this particular P. Falciparum, quotidian, or irregular type of the disease. SCULLY Insidiously effective. RENALDENI I quite agree, Dr. Scully. MULDER Scully, there're over forty people who've been contaminated. How much's left? He eyes the minute receptacle. Before the full import of Mulder's words have time to elicit a response from Scully, Renaldeni casts hope-filled eyes at the Agents. RENALDENI We're in luck, with that. Our libational stores are well-stocked with the mixer. I'll put a call into the head Stores Steward, and the Captain. Explain the situation, and have enough on hand to clear all these cases up in short order. SCULLY Doctor we'd better get moving on this. RENALDENI I'll put those calls in immediately. Scully casts angst-filled eyes at her partner. MULDER I know, Scully. SCULLY He can't get away with what he tried to do. MULDER I'm on it. (edges over to the doctor, preparing to leave with him) Doctor, once you've handled the matters at hand, (he levels his arm about the man's shoulders) there's another matter I'd like to take up with the Captain. PAUSE HOURS LATER- INFIRMARY-WARD A SCULLY (uncapping another bottle of quinine and pours it into a liter sized plastic cup. Hands it to the patient who has recovered full use of both upper limbs) Drink half of this. (rips open another package of Bunsolve gauze) The rest I'll salve on your chest, back, arms and legs. LANGLY (sounding self-conscious) Uh...can't I get into the pool with the rest of the victims? SCULLY That's only if you can stand, and walk under your own power. Can you? LANGLY Well, I've drunk enough quinine till it's comin' outta my ears to give it another try. SCULLY It's been over an hour since you did. LANGLY I'll try again. SCULLY Fine. Go ahead. LANGLY Gimme a sec. The effort shows in his face, and gritting his teeth, he shifts his body along the edge of the bed, and forces his legs to the floor. Lislita hesitates before coming into the room, having since changed into straight leg pants and a matching creamy orange top. She wastes not another moment, rushing over to his bedside, wanting to lend a hand. LISLITA Should you be doing this so soon? LANGLY Now's as good a time as any. I'm feelin' a whole lot better. SCULLY You're looking much better too. LANGLY (looks up from his quivering limbs with his glasses sliding down his nose an inch.) Seeing lots better too. Where's Mulder? SCULLY Conducting a stem to stern search of the ship for Krycek, enlisting the help of Security. He's beside himself for letting his anger get the best of him and leaving him in the engine room. LANGLY (shrugs) So, what does he plan to do with him when he gets his hands on him? Make him walk the plank? That rat'll never fink-out his shadow handlers. SCULLY That excuse for a man has hurt Mulder's and my families in so many ways. I'd just like to have him standing here right before me so I can tell him what a maglinant bastard he is, to his face. LISLITA (her voice slips from her like air from a balloon) How is it all of you know my kidnapper? Agent and hacker exchange guarded looks. Scully is about to reply, when a rambunctious Mulder bursts into the room. MULDER Splashiest pool party you ever saw. I wouldn't label them victims anymore. (resigned) Well, Scully, seems the rodent must have jumped ship, no thanks to my losing it. He's nowhere on board. The search detail organized and headed by the Captain is still combing, but he won't be found. I discovered his clothes in a heap next to the main bilge water tank that you and I saw earlier yesterday. Our guide of morning told me that there's an in-laid ladder on the reverse side of the tank, and its the easiest access into the ocean, compared to say, plummeting from topside. In a cubbyhole of a storage room, or a small tool crib of sorts, I found casings that could have come off a scuba tank. Discarded packaging for a deep-sea mask, wetsuit, hand and feet fins, along with breathing equipment were nearby. SCULLY Obviously carefully planned in case of discovery. LANGLY (brashly) Yeah, big fat surprise. Given time and opportunity, *they* avail themselves every chance *they* get. Gotta make sure whatever they decide to unleash on an unsuspecting world works foolproof, eh, Mulder? MULDER (curls his lips) Can't say they'll fail for lack of trying... LISLITA Why do I have this uneasy feeling you three know too much about...about. (throws her hands up) Okay, how should I know, what, for my own good? Being blacked-out, well, it's just not fair. That's what it is. The suspect trio coast upon the heavy, loaded silence. LISLITA (again, sighs heavily) Just be glad I'm not the biggest stickler that needs all kinds of details supplied before knowing when to feel safe. (removes the gauze and dark green-tinted bottle of quinine from Scully's hands) 'Mi amor,' wouldn't you rather have me rub this all over you, instead of having it splashed in your face by fellow recoverees? (snickers in her throat, and gives her cousin and Langly especially a contrite look) I know, I shouldn't eavesdrop, but it's hard to overcome when you live and work in tight quarters, like this ship. Scully and Mulder, with his hand anchored to her shoulder, begin edging themselves nearer to the door, where Dr. Renaldeni seems to be waiting to speak with them. LANGLY Well, when you put it like that, I'd be crazy, turning an offer like that down. You still gonna stay with me all night? LISLITA Do I look like I'm going anywhere soon? Scully raises an eyebrow to answer Mulder's rowdy waggling of both of his, and she has no other choice but to counteract his cocky smile with a more tempering one of her own. MULDER (mumbles into Scully's ear) Let the kids have their fun. SCULLY Try getting some rest, Langly. You've had a busy day. LANGLY (off-handedly) Oh, yeah, sure. Rest. RENALDENI (in an aside to Scully) One seeming epidemic stopped dead in its tracks. All who presented are back to normal, without any discernable side effects. I have several questions though. Doctor, humor me? Scully nods. SCULLY If I can, Doctor. The Agents depart with Renaldeni. Lislita disposes of the gauze, but Langly finagels the bottle of quinine out of her hand to sip its dregs, then chucks it into the nearby clear plastic-lined trash can. LANGLY Well? You haven't changed your mind, in the space of two seconds? LISLITA Just as long as you don't hog all the blanket... They grin into each other's face as Langly makes room for her in the atypically wide hospital bed. LANGLY Not exactly the kind of bed I had in mind for...well, you know... LISLITA Yeah, but how many beds can do this? She raises the bed's 'head' up and down, then its 'feet' with the controls that are wound around the side's rail which happens to be down. LANGLY Craftmatics can. LISLITA They're expensive. LANGLY So are these. He pats the mattress. LANGLY (mocking mildly) Speakin' of hoggin', the blanket ain't all I'm gonna hog. Those arms of yours've got a nice feel when they're wrapped around me. LISLITA (as she fits her 'accomodaters' about him snugly) I'm just so glad you're going to be all right. LANGLY That makes two of us. LISLITA How is it you, someone so gentle, and good, know that evil man, 'chulito?' LANGLY (hestitates awhile before answering) It's a long, insane story. LISLITA (hugging him harder, waiting for him to slip his head into the soft, warm crevasse of her neck) We've got all night... LANGLY And I'm hopin' for even longer. LISLITA I want that too... The leisurely-paced, long-loved kiss they share tranquilizes them both after Langly extinguishes the light on the nightstand. CUT TO- EXT - MANY NAUTICAL MILES BEHIND THE CRUISE VESSEL CLOSE ON It is two-thirty A.M. Krycek has since surfaced. He removes his mask which is densely fogged, to clear it. The long-range transceiver he holds in his hand is emitting sharp pops, two ever four seconds. The lengthy beams of the blazing cam lights mounted at both corners of the mask slice through the intense darkness enveloping him. He waits. A shiver he ignores goes through him, and he swims a body length, before halting. The transceiver's pops step up, and he checks the time on his florescent diving watch. When he looks up, his vision transects the swiftly retreating ship. Another second to go...and then the sub breaks above the pitching, frothy surface of the open sea to retrieve the deserter, the sole possessor of an oily smile in these watery parts. END V FADE OUT COMMERCIAL BREAK "I made this..." THEME ROLL FINAL CREDITS __________________________________________________