**************************************** "Linda Young" Residence Germantown, Tennessee The VW van is parked in a nice suburban neighborhood. Trees line the streets and the houses and yards are larger than average. Inside the van are: Yves, Jimmy, and Kimmy. Jimmy is sitting in the driver's seat. Kimmy is stationed in front of the computer. Yves is crouched beside the van door. She's dressed in black and she slips a headset over her ear. She quietly slides open the van door and closes it behind her. Jimmy and Kimmy watch as she slinks across the yard. KIMMY "Look at her. She's a regular catwoman." YVES (through headset) "I heard that." ***************************** CUT TO: Exterior House Yves walks to the back door. She takes a small metal file out of her pocket and quickly picks the lock to the door. Once inside she sees a burglar alarm. YVES (into headset) "You've got 60 seconds to cut the power." KIMMY (through headset) "I can get it in 30." In even less time than that the power is shut off and the burglar alarm is disarmed. Yves looks around the room. She's in a spacious kitchen. It's spotlessly clean as if rarely used. She creeps through the kitchen and through a living room and into an adjacent office. Yves sits down at the computer desk. She hooks up an external power source and turns on the computer. Within minutes she finds the files she's looking for and starts downloading them onto a portable harddrive. ******************** CUT TO: VW Van While Kimmy is monitoring the computer, Jimmy keeps a look out. Susanne's car drives slowly up the road and turns into the driveway. JIMMY (into headset) "The lion is returning to the nest." Kimmy laughs under his breath. YVES (confused) "What?" JIMMY "Um..I mean the lion is returning to…………..uh…Susanne has just pulled into the driveway. She's going to walk in the house any second!!" ************************** Interior House Susanne unlocks the door to her house. She walks to the alarm system and sees that it's off. She flips a light switch but nothing comes on. As quietly as she can she opens a kitchen drawer and reaches for a gun. From a reflection in the kitchen window she sees Yves trying to sneak out the door. She turns around and points the gun at Yves. SUSANNE "Don't move." YVES "I don't wish to harm you." SUSANNE "What do you want?" YVES "Information." SUSANNE "About what?" Yves holds her hands up in a gesture of good faith and moves towards the door. YVES "You analyzed 3 blood samples that contained a deadly virus involving shark cartilage." SUSANNE "I work for the CDC. I analyses a lot of dangerous substances." YVES "These blood samples were from friends of mine. Byers, Langly, and Frohike." The gun slipped from Susanne's fingers. Yves picks it up off the floor. SUSANNE "Byers. One of those was Byers' blood sample?" Yves nods. Susanne begins to cry softly. YVES "I take it then you don't have good news?" SUSANNE "Good news? The virus is lethal. How did they get involved in that?" YVES "It's a very long story and I don't have time to go into it now." SUSANNE "Why did you come to me?" YVES "I thought perhaps, you'd know if there was a cure?" SUSANNE "If that was in their bloodstream then all three of them are dead." ************************** CUT TO: Interior VW VAN Yves climbs into the car and pulls the headset out of her ear. YVES "Did you hear all of that?" KIMMY "Loud and clear." JIMMY "I don't believe it." Jimmy sighs and turns on the ignition. He is about to pull out onto the road but sees a car driving by and waits for it to pass. He looks at it as he goes by. For a brief moment, Jimmy gets an unobstructed view of the passenger. It looks exactly like Byers. Their eyes meet. The car speeds away. Jimmy screams. JIMMY "BYERS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Jimmy floors the gas pedal and shoots off in pursuit of the car. Yves falls onto Kimmy and they tumble onto the floor of the van. Jimmy speeds through neighborhood streets ignoring stop signs as he follows the car. They pull out of the neighborhood onto a busy main highway. The car disappears into traffic. Jimmy pulls off at the nearest gas station and pounds his fists into the steering wheel. Yves and Kimmy crawl from the back seat, both look disheveled. KIMMY "What the hell are you trying to do?" JIMMY "It was Byers! I KNOW it was Byers." Kimmy sighs. KIMMY "Listen, I want to find them as much as you do but you can't go off chasing every brown haired man in a suit you see." JIMMY "But it looked EXACTLY like Byers." YVES "He's right, Jimmy." Jimmy sighs and hangs his head. Kimmy climbs into the front seat. KIMMY "Move over big guy, I'm driving." ********************************* Marriott Hotel 7:15 a.m. Kimmy, Jimmy, and Yves are sharing a hotel room. It has two double beds. Kimmy and Jimmy are on one bed sleeping. Yves is in the other bed. She glances over at the guys and then slips quietly out of bed. She's already dressed. She slips her shoes on and takes the keys from the van off the table. On the complimentary stationary she writes: "Gone to check something out. Back as soon as possible. YVES" She tiptoes out the door and locks it behind her. *************************** Interior VW Van 8:01 a.m. Yves is sitting in the front of the computer. On the screen appears the video feed from the van's surveillance camera. She fast forwards it until the point that the car Jimmy chased drives by. She freeze frames it on the back of the car and enlarges the license plate. She jots down the number and runs a check on the plates. A name and address appear on the screen. **************************** Rivendale Apartments 9:16 a.m. Yves closes the van door and walks up a long sidewalk to apartment 3C. She knocks. There is no answer. She reaches into her purse and pulls out a file and picks the lock. Inside, the apartment is sparsely furnished. An old ratty couch, a TV, and a computer sitting on a rickety old card table are the only things in the room. She walks to the bedroom. On the floor are 3 inflatable travel beds. She walks directly to the closet and begins shuffling through the clothes. She see: 4 identical brown suits, a dozen or so band t-shirts and jeans, towards the back is a strange assortment of clothes that have no rhyme or reason. Yves pulls out a pair of the pants and holds them against her own legs. They are very short. Something falls from the hanger. Yves bends to pick it up. It's a fingerless glove. A small smile spreads across her face. She walks back into the living room. Sitting beside the computer is a name tag for Warehouse Music. Yves picks it up and puts it into her pocket and walks out the door. ****************************** Wolfchase Galleria 12:42 p.m. Yves walks through the mall and goes into Warehouse Music. Across the store she sees Langly as he walks behind the checkout counter. Without missing a beat, Yves walks through the store, picks up the CD she's looking for and walks up to the counter just as a teenage kid is taking his purchase and walking away. Langly looks disgusted. Yves sets her CD down on the table. Without looking up, Langly grabs it and scans it. Before he puts it in a little plastic sack he notices that it's the Ramones. He looks up. Langly's mouth drops open. Yves glances at Langly's "Joey Lives" T-shirt and smirks. YVES "Seems like Joey isn't the only one who still lives." *************************** Marriott Hotel 3:36 p.m. Kimmy is kicked back on the hotel bed watching TV. Jimmy is pacing back and forth. He stops right in front of the TV and looks at Kimmy. JIMMY "Where could she have gone. It's not like her to run off." KIMMY "It's just like her. Move over bigfoot, you're blocking double jeopardy. I'm on a roll." Jimmy doesn't move but glares at Kimmy. They hear the lock open. Yves walks into the room. She's smiling. JIMMY "Where have you been! When I woke up you were gone and all you left was that lousy message and that was hours ago and…." Following Yves into the room are Langly, Frohike, and Byers. Jimmy quits talking. His eyes widen and a smile lights up his face. JIMMY "GUYS!!!" He rushes over to them, getting to Langly first and grabs him in a hug. LANGLY "Ow. Watch the hair man." Langly sounds like his usual sarcastic self but it's obvious he's happy to see Jimmy. Jimmy lets him go and turns to Byers. Byers is smiling and extends his hand. Jimmy takes his hand and pulls Byers into his arms. BYERS (wincing) "It's good to see you too Jimmy." Finally Jimmy turns to Frohike. Frohike opens his arms wide for a hug and braces himself. FROHIKE "Come here ya ol' softy." Jimmy hugs him tightly and lifts him off the ground. Kimmy stands aside watching the happy reunion. He looks happy to see them and at the same time completely annoyed. KIMMY "Where the hell have you guys been?" Yves, Jimmy, and Kimmy all stare at the Gunmen waiting for an answer. FROHIKE "Skinner. Only Skinner knows the truth." *************************** FLASHBACK **************************** Jimmy's hand is against the glass window. He's crying as the Gunmen stare out at him. Yves is holding onto Jimmy, trying her best to pull him away from the glass. A stairwell door opens and a dozen or more CDC officials in yellow hazmat suits surround them. Skinner pushes his way through the sea of yellow suits and approaches Yves and Jimmy. SKINNER "I know this is hard but I'm going to have to ask you to come with me." Yves nods and she and Skinner lead Jimmy out of the building. Langly, Byers, and Frohike watch as the CDC guys open the airtight doors. They are immediately surrounded, pushed down onto stretchers and injected with IVs. As they drift to sleep they are sealed into a plastic quarantined boxes and carried away. ************************** Frohike is surrounded by white. He blinks and rubs his eyes several times. FROHIKE "Heaven?" He manages to sit up and realizes he's in a hospital bed. In beds beside him are Langly and Byers. Frohike flops back onto the bed and stares at the ceiling. FROHIKE "Hell." SKINNER "I think you were right the first time." Skinner pulls up a chair and sits down beside Frohike's bed. FROHIKE "This definitely ain't heaven cause you aren't the angel I was expecting to greet me." Skinner smirks. Byers and Langly wake up and stare at Skinner. They wait. Skinner is antsy. He stands up and paces round the room. SKINNER "I'm the closest thing to an angel you three have. But you aren't going to like what I have to say." LANGLY "Are we dying?" SKINNER "No." Langly sighs and visibly relaxes. LANGLY "Then you can say whatever you want." Skinner reaches into his pocket and pulls out 3 driver's licenses. He hands one to each of them. SKINNER "These are your new identities. Your old lives are over." BYERS "What? Why?" SKINNER "We caught you in time to give you an antidote but the virus is still in your bodies. It's in a dormant state." LANGLY "And what? We have to live like bubbleboy for the rest of our lives?" SKINNER "No, nothing like that. But, if terrorists were to get a sample of your blood they could produce enough virus to wipe out the entire population. So we have to make sure you disappear. Permanently." Skinner waits for a reply, there isn't one. SKINNER "I've set you up with a bank account. It's not a lot but it's the best I could do. Your clothes are all in the bathroom. You need to change and get ready to go. A taxi will pick you up in a little while and take you to the airport. I don't care where you go, just go." BYERS "But…" SKINNER (glances at his watch as if worried) "Listen, I've already done more than I should've, I have to go." Skinner stands to leave. Byers struggles to get to his feet and walks over to him. BYERS "We were marked for execution. Weren't we?" Skinner didn't answer. BYERS "The government never would have approved a relocation program for people who are so dangerous. They were going to let us die, weren't they?" Skinner nods. SKINNER "I've taken care of the arrangements. As far as the government and everyone else is concerned, you did die. Your bodies will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery." Skinner walks towards the door to leave. FROHIKE "Hey Walt?" Skinner turns around and looks at Frohike. FROHIKE "Thanks." Skinner nods and walks out the door. ************************** END FLASHBACK ************************** Marriott Hotel Room Byers, Frohike, Langly, Yves, Jimmy, and Kimmy are all sprawled out in the hotel room. Three empty pizza boxes lay on the bed. JIMMY "WOW. I love Skinner. I had him pegged all wrong. I love that guy." BYERS "I still don't understand how you could have possibly found us." YVES "We followed the blood." LANGLY "What?" YVES "There was a CDC text file attach to your FBI file. It was a detailed analysis of your blood. Samples had been sent to the CDC in Memphis. We followed the blood here. It had been tested by a scientist with the alias of Linda Young." BYERS "It can't be. I mean, I knew she worked at the CDC in Memphis. Scully helped me set that up back in Vegas. But when I saw you at her house, I assumed you'd just stopped by to inform her of our deaths. I never dreamed it had anything to do with the CDC files." LANGLY "Who is Linda Young?" KIMMY "You may remember her as Mata Hari." JIMMY "Susanne Modeski." FROHIKE (groans) "Modeski? Here? In Memphis. I should have known." LANGLY (to Byers) "And here I was thinking that you wanted to come to Memphis because you were a big Elvis fan." BYERS "If Yves traced the blood samples to Susanne, it's a good bet the terrorists could do the same thing." JIMMY "Her life could be in danger." BYERS "I have to warn her." ***************************** Linda Young AKA Susanne Modeski's House The VW Van pulls up beside the curb. Jimmy, Langly, and Kimmy are in the front seat. Byers, Frohike and Yves are in the back. Byers starts to open the door and get out. Yves stops him. She pulls out a gun. YVES "You better let me handle this." Yves sticks the gun into her belt and opens the van door. She walks to the front door and knocks. There is no answer. She glances back at the van. YVES (into headset) "There's no answer." From the van, the guys watch her. Yves tries the door handle, it's open. Before she can open it. Three men in black burst through the door, knocking her to the ground. They run across the street towards an unmarked government car. Jimmy jumps out of the van and chases after them. He catches one of them before he can get to the government car. They struggle in a heap on the ground and in the process the MIB's wool mask is pulled off. Jimmy quits struggling when he sees who it is. It's Morris Fletcher. Fletcher, catching Jimmy off guard, punches him in the gut knocking the wind out of him. He runs towards the government car and gets in. With tires squealing, the car drives away. Jimmy gets up from the ground and looks around. He sees Frohike, Byers, Langly, and Kimmy disappear into the house. He follows them. The house is in shambles. Papers are everywhere. Cushions are ripped to shreds. The place is completely trashed. In the middle of the floor lies Susanne. Yves is crouched on the ground, beside her, but her expression doesn't look hopeful. Byers rushes to her side and kneels beside her. BYERS "Susanne? Can you hear me?" SUSANNE "They didn't get it. I wouldn't tell them. I couldn't let them find it." BYERS "Of course you couldn't. Just lie still help is on the way." Frohike and Langly take one look at the bullet wounds and the amount of blood on the floor around her and know that they've come too late. Byers holds onto Susanne's hand. Susanne squeezes it gently. As Byers leans over her a gold chain hangs from his neck, on the chain is the small gold wedding band that Susanne gave him. Beside it on the chain is a woman's wedding band. Susanne looks at it and then looks at him with a questioning expression on her face. BYERS "Someday." Susanne smiles weakly and closes her eyes. She's dead. Byers doesn't move. Langly, Frohike, Jimmy, and Kimmy keep their distance. Yves approaches him. YVES "Byers, you've got to get out of here. All of you. The police can't find you here." Langly and Frohike take Byers and lead him from the house. The sound of sirens can be heard in the distance. As the police cars pull up. Yves, Kimmy, and Jimmy stand silently around the body. JIMMY (to himself) "The next time I see Morris Fletcher. I'm gonna kill him." ************************** Memorial Gardens Cemetery Yves, Kimmy, and Jimmy are at the funeral of "Linda Young." They stand silently at the graveside service surrounded by only a few other mourners. *********************** CUT TO: Parking Lot VW Van Langly and Frohike are sitting in their car, parked beside the VW Van. Inside the van, Byers is watching the funeral over the surveillance camera. He watches as the casket is slowly lowered into the ground. Byers reaches out a hand and touches the screen. He watches as mourners toss dirt into the grave site. Jimmy stoops low in order to toss his handful of dirt into the grave. Along with a handful of dirt went the gold band that Byers had gotten a few years ago for Susanne. ******************** Cemetery Parking Lot Yves, Jimmy, and Kimmy walk back to the van. Byers has gotten out of the van and is waiting for them, along with Langly and Frohike. JIMMY "It was a nice service." Byers nods. BYERS "It was. Thank you Jimmy." They stand in an awkward silence as if waiting for someone else to make the first move. FROHIKE "So I guess this is it. You guys all packed to get back to DC?" Jimmy nods. JIMMY "I still don't see why we can't do the writing ghosts thing." LANGLY "It'd never work. Our loyal readers would spot it in a second." KIMMY "What all 2 of them?" BYERS "Langly's right. We've already discussed this Jimmy. You're doing a fine job on your own. You don't need us anymore." JIMMY "Yes, we do. You're the heart and soul of the whole paper. Without you guys it's just not the same. It's empty." FROHIKE "We'll miss you too kid." BYERS "We'll still be fighting the good fight Jimmy, But we'll just have to find another way to do it. A quieter way." Jimmy hugs each of them goodbye. His eyes are all teary. JIMMY "I hate good-byes." YVES "It's not like they're dead Jimmy. You will see them again." FROHIKE "Come on buddy, it's not the end of the world. There's always holidays." Jimmy's eyes brighten. JIMMY (starting to get excited) "Holidays? Birthdays? Email!! You know, I do have my own email account now guys." Langly rolls his eyes. LANGLY "Aw man, what's the world coming to?" Yves, Jimmy, and Kimmy get into the Van. Byers, Frohike, and Langly get into their car. The car drives off in one direction. The VW Van goes off into the other. LANGLY "Did you wire the Van?" FROHIKE "Completely. They won't be going anywhere, without us being right there with them peaking over their shoulders." LANGLY "Sweet." THE END ******************************