Author: Sue ( Title : Crossroads Within A Bedroom (1/1) Rating: PG Category: Vignette, MSR/TLG Spoiler : Season 8 finale, Existence Summary : Some speculations warrant immediate confirmation. Disclaimer: Have never owned any of them; never will. Crossroads Within A Bedroom "Hey, Byers, hold up. Think I dropped it." Langly finished patting himself down all over. Hesitating for a moment, he popped the lock of the passenger door and hopped out. "In there." He jerked his thumb at the well-manicured building they had just emerged from. Two labored sighs filtered from his companions. "What did you forget?" Byers asked impatiently. "I didn't forget it. It must have dropped out." "_What_ did?" Byers repeated, sounding a shade more irritated. "My wallet," Langly said, finally supplying a direct answer. Byers killed the engine, and the 'blue bomb' chiggered and ground out into silence. Its two remaining occupants hurled sheepish looks of quantification at their confederate. "Check again," Frohike gruffly stipulated. Within the next few moments, his whole manner suggested that he was trying to remember something; a jogging of memory during a game of 'Concentration.' "That's why I'm goin' back in," Langly retorted hotly. "It's in her place." "No. I mean beneath the seat and on the..." He waved Langly off, performing the rushed spot check himself. "Nope. Okay, maybe you did." Frohike wore that tentative look again, as though he should should say something, but he couldn't be sure that if he did, it would have any merit. He searched Langly's face frustratedly, and it wasn't long before he said, "Man, you sure are careless." "Am not!" "Are too!" "Am _not_!" "Knock it off, both of you," Byers interrupted, sighing, after this imposition, and gripped the steering wheel as though doing so would even his keel. "Langly, just go back in there. Find it, and we'll be on our way. Locating the source of our local interference isn't going to be easy." Frohike nodded, agreeing with everything his cohort had said. "Okay," Langly complied. "It probably fell out when I dug the card up from my back pocket. If her door's still open, I'll bop in, retrace my steps. Locate it, pluck it up and be back in a flash." Then, almost as an afterthought, he said, "Don't leave me, guys." "Wouldya get goin' already," Frohike urged, "or there'll be no spicy refried beans and 'H' 'rancheros' for you tonight." As the tall blond streaked for the entrance of Scully's building, Byers looked at Frohike, and vice versa. Neither spoke for several seconds. "I'm for buying him a watch fob. Attach it to that ugly old wallet of his so this sort of thing never happens again," Byers dryly suggested. "What we should do is confiscate that relic. Buy him a brand new wallet with the device you have in mind." Frohike observed Langly's rapid disappearance behind the entrance door before offering any further comment. He swiveled around to his friend, and replied in kind, "Methinks Lan-gri-la is pulling one of his ruses, man." The older man's speculative posture hung in the air. "Oh? Why's that?" Byers differed, but did so with his usual deference. Frohike facially wiseackered. "'Cos I could have sworn I saw his lime Velcro horror lying on his monitor as we were leaving. I started to remind him about it, but I got distracted when the phone rang, and it was Jimmy saying he'd catch up with us later, back at our place." "But you're not sure." "Hey, ya ask me, I say he wants back in there to do his version of motion detection, if you catch my drift." It seemed as though Langly had beaten him to the punch. "He wouldn't," Byers objected, astounded by the gall. "Why wouldn't he?" Frohike already had the passenger door cracked, and was sliding out. "I'm dyin' to know what's goin' on in there myself, buddy. How Mulder's gettin' on with the lil shaver. Hell, with Scully too for that matter. Too bad we never thought to 'seed' her place way ahead of time. It'd be worth having it on tape." Byers squirmed as though he were on pins and needles, wrestling with a conscience that normally casted a decisive 'nay' in the face of what didn't sit well. But the same thoughts had crossed his mind, and ignoring his norm, he wanted to satisfy his curiosity too. He had his door open now. "So what are we waiting for?" he said, smiling impishly, in conjunction with Frohike's eyebrow raising. "Let's get in there before we miss something good..." When his friends appeared, Langly conjectured that they had probably been on to him all along. Sentimentality seemed to stain the proceedings, and he welcomed his compatriots' cementable presence when they noiselessly joined him at the jamb of Scully's bedroom door. Can't fool these guys, he thought as he shifted, making ample room. They were just in time, and their breathing shuddered as one man's as they witnessed the tender union of their friends' inevitable, blessed wedding of lips and the sharing of one breath... The moment of melding was ethereal, yet felt everlasting and transcendent at the same time. World-weary, news- gathering eyes grew very moist. The Gunmen never imagining they would live long enough to literally see the tenderness of this day unfold before their very eyes. Little William mewled and cooed in Mulder's accommodative arms, and the alien chaser's eyes glistened mightily in response. Byers' sniffles were lost in Langly's tresses. The Gunmen latched onto one another's forearms and held on tight. "So totally, totally awesome, dudes," Langly murmured reverently, over and over like a litany. Easy swallowing proved to be an impossibility for him from this point forward. Frohike removed his glasses, giving them a careless swipe against the sleeve of his jacket the color of green fatigues. Resetting them on his face quickly, the lump in his own throat had become sizeable. "Now that's what I call a good-looking family," he inaudibly whispered, just as the caught-up Agents (now, and forever, no matter their current status with the Bureau) discerning they had unexpected company, disengaged, turning slightly to acknowledge their peeping through thick and thin friends, and loyal confidants. The kindred souls and 'brethren' smiled smiles of a thousand suns to come, and the little bedroom glowed with a radiance that eclipsed all those dark, bad times, which Scully had recently spoken of, which had indeed, shadowed them all. Little William hiccupped once or twice, and light-hearted chuckles flowed into sustained laughter of the deepest delight. Mirth was rife for a change. "Oops, they've caught us at last, Mulder." She gazed at the trio contentedly. "So now you know." The three smirked, wondering what their friends' bemused faces were for. "You act as though we've never suspected," Byers countered seamlessly, placing his hand on Langly's shoulder, with the latter nodding. Frohike marveled over Scully's weightless smiling, which seemed to know no bounds. "I say he looks like Mulder," the blond zippy-mouther cranked, as though bringing it up would make it true. "Does not," Frohike insisted, "he looks like Scully." Mulder rained improbable looks upon them. "Well, Scarecrow, look at it this way. Scully's genetic material counts for half. Any way that's considered, he's already got a clear head start." Relaxedly, Mulder said, "I don't know. Give me your input, guys. Wouldn't you say he bears a striking resemblance to Skinner. Don'tcha think?" "Don't even joke about something like that," Frohike sternly cautioned, looking as though he'd just eaten something rotten. The paternity issue would have to be settled to the Gunmen's satisfaction at a later time. Scully sucked her teeth at the lot of them. Unpretentiously she stated, "For the record, he looks like my dad, in my wholly unbiased opinion." She stopped herself, wondering the same thing for as many times. "How would he have taken this if he were here," she voiced with a somewhat distant quality in her shallow tone, no longer desirous of tamping down the pall of meloncholy. Mulder sensed her mood almost at once, but was hesitant about meeting it head on. "Ahab..." No, she admonished, she wouldn't allow herself to stay where she was right now, but it took some effort. "Me, an unwed mother..." Part of some twisted mind's, or as more likely the case, minds', nefarious agenda. Forcefully, she dragged herself away from the spiking inner turmoil. "Somehow, I think he'd be proud," she said levelly. Mulder sniffed ostensibly. "When has your opinion ever been even a smidgen unbiased?" Sounding more grounded, he replied, "He's here, Scully. Don't worry. In spirit, I'm sure he is, and he's proud of you." The Gunmen nodded along with Mulder. Then solely for her hearing he muttered, "Being unwed doesn't have to be a permanant condition, y'know." "I know," Scully returned evenly, putting Mulder's heart through its paces, and hers as well. He held his tongue, even surprising himself over what he'd just said. The new mother winked at her miraculous baby, still not quite able to believe she had given birth to anything more perfect. "He's definitely got the 'Scully' nose." Mulder wriggled his at the child he would come to love as he had never loved anything so much before, save Scully. "Now if he's been endowed with the 'Scully' mettle for 'grace under pressure,' he's got it made in the shade." Mulder's stated estimation touched off another round of the Gunmen nodding their heads in indisputable agreement. "Here, here," Byers toasted, lacking an appropriate libation to down. Langly and Frohike readily seconded Mulder's pronouncement. Mulder continued, sounding a bit more cryptic, yet still sportive through it all. "Just pray that Billy boy's genetic material in the mix doesn't exert too great an influence, or I'll be in big trouble, Scully." "Mulder," she said reprovingly, with some half-hearted jiggling of his elbow. "Just a point of fact, Scully." He kissed her furrowed brow, grinning. "A point having its basis in well-known fact. Your brother and I will always be at odds." "Maybe, maybe not. Only time will tell," Scully said simply, beaming at her fragile-looking newborn, and then at the four expectant men who were willing and eager to give her all the support and presence she would ever need. "Miracles do happen." Her lips sought her son's tender forehead. She was careful regarding how much pressure she applied. "I recall it was you who insisted that I shouldn't give up on one in particular, Mulder. I'm inclined to believe that should hold true for many things..." | End...